Worth a read
If you have some spare time on your hands I suggest you check out this online debate between Sam Harris and Andrew Sullivan...
'God is not a moderate'
Harris really delivers some damaging blows to Sullivan's case for faith, particularly the Christian variety, and all Sullivan seems to say is 'I know it seems ridiculous, but I really believe this'. Unfortunately he spends far too much time appealing to emotion and reiterating how real his particular deity feels to him - Harris doesn't let him get away with it.
'God is not a moderate'
Harris really delivers some damaging blows to Sullivan's case for faith, particularly the Christian variety, and all Sullivan seems to say is 'I know it seems ridiculous, but I really believe this'. Unfortunately he spends far too much time appealing to emotion and reiterating how real his particular deity feels to him - Harris doesn't let him get away with it.