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Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Democrats in tha House y'all

I know I'm late getting to this:

THE Democratic Party today took control of the US House of Representatives for the first time in 12 years as it rode a wave of anger against President George W. Bush.

The White House conceded that Democrats had won after US media predicted major gains by the opposition party.

...but I thought I'd put in my two cents worth anyway.

I look forward to hearing the spin the right-wing pundits put on this result. No doubt we'll be informed that the result is courtesy of Democrat dirty tactics, with them mentioning the state of affairs in Iraq and all. Perhaps we'll learn that the U.S. and The West have been weakened, with a "soft-on-terrorism" party gaining more power than is warranted. We'll hear that the Republicans have suffered a truly undeserving defeat, thanks to a hostile anti-Bush media.

In fact, it's already

Andrew Bolt: But the Democrats will wonder if they should have done better with so much going for them - not least Iraq and the media.

That almost sounded like a concession that things aren't as well in Iraq as Bolt has previously suggested. Anyway, I imagine alot of the commentary will follow a similar line...

Sure, the Republicans lost the House. But given that the America-hating communist socialist elitist marxist leftist latte-sipping media was cheering so hard for the Democrats, it could have been much worse. So in fact, this is sort of a victory.


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